Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Group Spreads Education in Honor of Abused Dog in South Dakota

When something horrible occurs, some disaster like Hurricane Katrina, the attacks on 9/11, cases of child abuse, etc., we often ask soul searching questions like, "Why does God let things like this happen?" Sometimes all we can do is try to make something good come out of the aftermath.

Last week we reported a case of unthinkable abuse and neglect of a Lab/Pit mix named Charlie. While still in pretty bad shape he is still in good spirits and his physical injuries are healing. Those who have taken charge of his care and others that hav
e taken a personal interest in his welfare have decided to make a way for something good to come from Charlie's suffering. They have founded Children for Charlie Project. They have decided to sponsor Tiospa Zina Tribal School, Agency Village and West Side Elementary School, Sisseton, schools the area where Charlie was rescued in South Dakota.

Their goal is to raise enough money to provide a subscription to KIND News for all the students. KIND News that provides education and awareness of the need to be kind to animals. The donation will be made in Charlie's name. They will need to raise $771 to reach their goal. So far the response has been good, but there is still a long way to go.

If you did not get a chance to read the article from the link in the Sept. 10 story here is an excerpt from the story run in "In the Shelter of Your Heart":

When found, Charlie was battered and the extent of the damage to his body was not known. In the dark of night, Charlie was carried in to a warm house, and safe bed for the first time in his life. After just a few hours rest he was then transported to a vet for treatment. Immediately visible was that basically his scalp was peeled back, from his eye to behind his ear, along with other head injuries. Lacerations all over his body, signs of being beaten, and not just with a newspaper. He had broken teeth, and a broken elbow. While treating this poor animal the vet discovered two things, the first being that the injuries had happened up to 7 days prior, or over the course of several days. The second was that beyond surviving cutting and beating, the bullet lodged in him revealed he'd been shot as well.

I'll give you a minute to absorb all that, before I lay the most shocking fact on you.

This dog, living nothing but a meager existence, rewarded for his troubles with near death, has been described by one of his care takers as "One of the BEST dogs I've known". Sweet, gentle, loving. Through out all that, the most shocking fact, is that he is still willing to give a human the benefit of the doubt.

photo courtesy of http://shelteroftheheart.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the repost Jon! We hope to make a difference for these kids, and the dogs!